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Reece James new tattoo on his calf meaning

  Chelsea defender Reece James has revealed a new tattoo on his calf that's a tribute to last season's Champions League success – a...

 Chelsea defender Reece James has revealed a new tattoo on his calf that's a tribute to last season's Champions League success – and some Blues fans on

PLAYER Drains blue': Some Chelsea fans revere new Reece James tattooPhoto by Darren Walsh/Chelsea FC through Getty Pictures

'Drains blue': Some Chelsea fans love new Reece James tattoo

Chelsea safeguard Reece James has uncovered another tattoo on his calf that is a recognition for last season's Heroes Association achievement - and a few Blues fans on Twitter love it.

James satisfied a fantasy a couple of months prior when Chelsea beat Manchester City 1-0 in the Bosses Association last. 

The 21-year-old, alongside individual foundation graduate Bricklayer Mount, began in the all-English last in Portugal.

James has transferred an image on his Instagram that shows the tattoo of the Bosses Association prize. 

Additionally, it incorporates the date of the last and the three words "Dream Accept Accomplish".

A choice of Chelsea allies via virtual entertainment are stunned by the work of art on the right-back's leg.

Reece James can be Chelsea player for 10 years, tattoo implies fans love him much more

It's a disgrace that such countless gifted players from Chelsea's institute have withdrawn currently this mid year.

 Lewis Bate and Tino Livramento are two champions that have joined Leeds Joined together and Southampton separately on long-lasting arrangements. In any case, it's ridiculous to thing each and every player will wind up in the primary group.


James is one of the Blues jewels that appears as though he will accompany the senior crew for the long stretch.

The Britain global is a stalwart full-back that has accomplished a fantasy objective now of winning the Bosses Association, yet he must pull together to set new targets.

Matured 21, there is such a lot of progress he can make to his game with more insight.

He has all that you need in a right-back with speed, power and hostility.

 What's more, he has a beautiful mix of going after and safeguarding to his game.

There is such a lot of this youthful Chelsea gathering can go onto accomplish, so maybe James needs to make his next tattoo more modest to save space for every one of the prizes he can win.

Here are a few Blues fans examining James:

100 percent, stunning tattoo. 🤩

wReece doesn't strike me as a tattoo fellow yet in the event that he must have one this is all there is to it 👌

"dream accept and accomplish" that's right he did each of the 3 of em,

Stay up with the latest with all the most recent Chelsea news and assessment by following The Chelsea Annal's Twitter account here.

A games writer who moved on from Staffordshire College in 2016 and is a Chelsea ally.

 Loves anything football or cricket related with regards to Britain.


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CFC - Chelsea Online Newspaper : Reece James new tattoo on his calf meaning
Reece James new tattoo on his calf meaning
CFC - Chelsea Online Newspaper
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